Brother Can You Spare a Ruble

I had flown since I was a child and never really liked it, especially landing, but I was never sick until our honeymoon trip to Greece. I started to feel ill on the tarmac here in Calgary and it only got worse as the flight progressed. I ended up having to be wheel chaired off the plane in Heathrow, spend the layover in the medical clinic injected with mega doses of gravol only to be wheel chaired onto the flight to Athens. I had nothing to eat or drink in over twenty four hours by the time we landed in Athens. The flight home wasn’t much better, thus began my aversion to flying. But I refused to allow it to stop me from ever travelling again, which I did.

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Air Safety and other Travel Woes

One of the consequences of the Gulf War was that our planned trip to New Zealand had to be cancelled because they wouldn’t let anyone born in Iraq into the country. So this trip was rescheduled for a year later.

We had planned to spend the three weeks only in New Zealand thinking that there would be plenty of things to see and do to need that amount of time. Our flight took us from Calgary to Los Angeles, Los Angeles to Auckland, all told 36 hours between actual flying time and layovers. Once again I was sick on the tarmac in Calgary and once again I was unable to eat or drink. This isn’t classic motion sickness and it isn’t because I am afraid of flying, because I’m not, it has to do with the vibration of the plane’s engine.

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Alberta Craft Year 2015 art exhibition

I and a group of artists are in the planning stages of an exhibition to honor Alberta’s “Year of Craft” in 2015. We will be working with the Alberta Craft Council and our local talent pool to showcase the amazing talent in our fair city of Calgary. The target date for this event will be September 11-13, 2015.

New fibre arts project “Sea Creatures”

I saw a picture on a calendar featuring undersea inhabitants, this one featuring a jellyfish. I thought this will make an excellent  3-dimensional work but how do I create the bulbous head emerging from the canvas? Engineering challenges are all part of the joy for me so off I went to put together some IV tubing and a thin wire and voila, the rest is all doable.

I have been gathering some suitable images to start this series in the fall where I look forward to watch how these beautiful creatures emerge from the canvas.

The end of winter

It’s the end of January and winter has returned to Calgary after lulling us into a false sense of norm these past few weeks. Having just joined FAN, an email arrived asking for articles for the monthly newsletter. I love to write and I am looking forward to this new experience so here goes. This article will come out in September, the expected month of the annual retreat in Edmonton, which works out just perfectly for me as I live in Calgary. Continue reading